The European College of Baromedicine (ECB)

The European College of Baromedicine (ECB) is a medical speciality organisation set up to establish and maintain reciprocal recognition of qualifications in the Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine fields between the academic and training institutions in Europe.

It intends to become the Accreditation Body for Baromedicine in the European Union and is the executive arm of the European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM).

The ECB was an initiative of a number of the leading specialists and academics in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine who, together with the European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM) and with Divers Alert Network Europe (DAN Europe), set up the structures necessary for the College to exist and function. This was the result of initiatives in the late nineties in Europe in response to a growing demand for better practice of Baromedicine through formal and standardised training and specialisation, and a need to harmonize certification in this area for better consumer information.


General Information
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The ECB aims at the improvement and promotion of:
the quality of health care, by making available specialized knowledge and skills in Baromedicine to the benefit of the patients the quality of the general practice of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine through the contact of trainees and general practitioners with registered specialists the quality of the service to the public by, among other things, the protection of the public against nonqualified "specialists" the professional satisfaction of qualified practitioners in Baromedicine the structure of health care for patients who may require hyperbaric care, thereby improving its perception and understanding by health care funders and managers, medical practitioners in other specialities and those interested in health insurance the quality of personnel in hyperbaric clinics the safety of work under increased pressure concerning diving activities as well as hyperbaric medical attendants the further development of the speciality of Baromedicine
The primary objectives of the ECB shall therefore be to advance Baromedicine in Europe and increase the competence of those who practice in this field by:
establishing guidelines in collaboration with the ECHM for post-graduate education and training prerequisite to becoming a specialist in Baromedicine examining and authenticating medical practitioners as specialists in Baromedicine in order to better serve the patient, his health care funder and the public in general. encouraging research and other contributions to knowledge relating to pathogenesis, diagnosis, therapy, prevention and control of diseases relevant to Baromedicine, and promoting the communication and dissemination of this knowledge
The specialist in Baromedicine will be functioning in a referral practice or in an academic setting. The main part of his/her time should be devoted to the speciality.
Requirements for admissions
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The constitution of the European College of Baromedicine has established the following requirements:
A. For full membership status. The applicant should:
Be licensed to practice medicine and surgery in the countries of the European Union and Associated Countries. The Credentials Committee may excuse this requirement upon request. Have a satisfactory moral and ethical standing in the profession. Evidence of professional or legal misconduct, such as misrepresentation or committed felony, may be reason for disqualification. Have devoted at least four years, by the application deadline, to special education, training, and practice of Baromedicine after the date of graduation from medical school. The following sequence of training is to be used. A first period of one to one-and-a-half year must be a rotating internship, or its equivalent, as defined by the ECB Credentials Committee. A second residency period shall comprise a two-and-a-half to three-year postgraduate training programme under supervision of Members of the ECB or its equivalent, as defined by the ECB Credentials Committee. This period is designed to educate the resident primarily in the art and science of Baromedicine. There shall be additional instruction in the related disciplines if so required by the ECB Credentials Committee An alternative programme, at least as long as that for the internship/residency-based programmes is possible, as long as the applicant's time spent in Baromedicine is at least sixty percent in all but the general training years, such at the discretion of the Credential Committee. All alternative programmes must be approved by the Education Committee before commencement of the training. Have made a significant contribution to Baromedicine, as represented by publications and demonstrated by a high standard of proficiency in the specialty. In keeping with the constitutional objectives of the ECB each applicant must demonstrate willingness to contribute to the literature. The minimum requirement is: Two (2) original papers relevant to Baromedicine in an internationally refereed scientific journal. Of one (1) of these papers the applicant must be the principal author; of the second the applicant is not necessarily the principal author. Two case reports, published or in a form suitable for publication of which the applicant is author or co-author. Responsibility for evaluating the quality of the publications rests with the Credentials Committee. Have successfully passed the general and certifying examination by the College and certification by the Executive Committee of the College.
B. For associate membership status. The applicant should:
Have successfully completed an approved certificate or diploma course in one of the areas of Baromedicine. Have a satisfactory moral and ethical standing in the profession. Evidence of professional or legal misconduct, such as misrepresentation or committed felony, may be reason for disqualification. Be active in an area relevant to Baromedicine for at least 25% of his/her working time. Forward an application, which includes a recommendation from at least one active member of the ECB
All applications will be examined by the Executive Board during one of its regular admissions sittings. The applicant will be informed of the Board's decision within 15 days of such decision being reached. The decision of the Board on any particular application is final and cannot be contested.